Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns

The University Animal Care department has a mechanism by which any person may report 匿名 deficiencies in the care and treatment of animals used in exhibition, research or teaching activities at the University.  The IACUC will promptly investigate all reported animal welfare concerns or complaints of non-compliance with institutional policies that involve the care and treatment of animals at 菠菜网lol正规平台.

每一个加州的 Whistleblower Protection Act, no CSU employee, IACUC member, or laboratory personnel shall be discriminated against or be subject to any reprisal for reporting violations of any animal welfare regulation 或标准.

Individuals should contact the IACUC协调员, the Campus Veterinarian, or the IACUC Chairperson by ph一个, electronically or campus mail to relay concerns related to animal care 并使用at San Jose State University or Moss Landing Marine Laboratories.